1. I love fall
2. I watch Days of our Lives
3. I hate making dinner
4. I love hanging up clothes on a clothes line and watching them blow in a breeze
5. I would love to learn to play the violin
6. I love singing
7. I have always dreamed of singing on Broadway
8. I love to read
9. I love camping
10. I love hunting and fishing
11. I have shot 2 deer and 2 elk
12. I love reading while taking bubble baths
13. My biggest weakness is chocolate
14. I graduated from high school, but did not attend the ceremony. My mother went, sat in the
stands and cried
15. I have modeled for hair shows
16. I am a certified Montessori teacher
17. I love Disneyland
18. I hate the sand and beach. Yuck!
19. I love changing the color of my hair
20. I love my family
21. I wish I lived closer to my family
22. I love being silly with my sisters and brother
23. I love girls night out
24. My friends are important to me.
25. I love going to the Monster Truck Championship
26. I hate math
27. My 6th grade daughters math is already over my head, sad.
28. I love being in the mountains
29. My dream is to have a cabin someday
30. If I had unlimited resources, my home would look like Pottery Barn
31. I love clocks and collect them
32. I love my suburban and feeling big and safe on the road. Plus I can haul lots of people and
things. Love that!
33. I adore red roses
34. I love working in the yard
35. Mowing a lawn gives me great satisfaction. I love seeing the paths I create.
36. I love my three little girls and little boy
37. I love my husband and think he is the most hard working and creative guy I have ever met
38. I love the feeling of Christmas
39. My little family loves to spend the day riding the quads
40. I wish I could have served a mission
41. I want to serve a mission with my husband some day
42. I have broken my left arm three times and my right arm once
43. I broke both my arms at the same time, not fun.
44. I have 15 animals on the wall in my house. I am a good wife.

46. I am not a dancer and am probably the worst in the class.
47. I love ''over" decorating my home for the holidays
48. I was able to meet Karl Malone and shake his hand a few weeks ago. Very nice guy
49. I have hair extensions
50. I have a picture of me in Eastman Journal hunting magazine with an article for shooting a
256 scored mule deer
51. I love planting lots of flowers in my yard
52. I hate going to the dentist ( sorry Kelly's husband)
53. I have always wanted to go see Mt. Rushmore
54. I love going to the movies
55. I do not like watching re-runs or seeing movies more that once
56. Computers frustrate me! One of the reasons I'm not very good at blogging
57. I would love to go to Africa someday
58. I crochet
59. I have croched blankets for my kids blessing days and several nieces and nephews
60. I love reading mystery books
61. I also love reading science fiction
62. I love Abraham Lincoln and learning about his life
63. I love buying new shoes
64. We had second row, center seats for a She Daisy concert. They were awesome!
65. I wish I was a more patient person
66. I love living in a small town
67. My husband made me a blanket while on his mission
68. I often get a little road rage while driving
69. Red is my favorite color
70. The 1st time I went snow mobiling, I did really good. Then when sitting in the parking lot
I fell off the snow mobile for no reason and accidentally pushed the gas. There took off the
bike without me. Luckily no one was watching!
71. I'm going

72. I am also selling jewelry
73. I am pregnant
74. I enjoy playing softball, but wish I was in better shape
75. When I was young my nickname was "slugger" for my awsome batting skills
76. I took my hair extensions out after 4 days, they were very painful
77. My dream someday would be to have someone fix and stye my hair at least every other day
78. I am afraid of the ocean and will not go in the water past my ankles
79. But I have alway wanted to go deep sea fishing. Of course only on a big, safe boat
80. I hate scary movies
81. I love being organized
82. I have to play mahjong on the computer every night before going to bed
83. I love naps
84. I'm scared of spiders and make my children or neighbors kill them for me
85. I'm a fan of Martina McBride. I love her voice and songs
86. making sugar cookies is a tradition for every holiday. heart ones are coming next
87. I have an addiction to Diet Coke
88. I miss not having a Target in my town
89. I love Macaroni Grill and wish we also had one close by
90. I gave my sister a swirrly when we were younger
91. I can never balance the check book correctly, even when using a calculator
92. I love going for walks in the mountains
93. Playing in the rain is not just for kids
94. I do not like animals as inside pets
95. I don't mind dogs outside, but can not stand cats
96. I love jewelry and matching each outfit with the perfect piece
97. I like sitting down and looking through magazines and catalogs
98. I have just discovered online shopping and am loving it
99. I love giant snowflakes at night
100. Just Kidding- Number 73 is so NOT TRUE!
I can't belive I have accomplished this .